Osteonecrosis (AVN)
- In situ death of a segment of bone due to ischaemia
- Femoral Head
- Femoral Condyles
- Humeral Head
- Capitellum
- Lunate
- Scaphoid
- Talus
- ie. Convex bones or small cuboidal bones
- Following surgery
- eg. Head of first metatarsal
- Trauma
- Fractures
- Dislocations
- Non-Traumatic
- Alcohol abuse
- Corticosteroid usage
- Caissons Disease
- Sickle cell disease
- Thalassaemia
- Gauchers disease
- Infection
- Congenital
- medial (multiple epiphyseal dysplasia)
- Developmental
- Perthes disease
- Idiopathic (most common)
- Due to ischaemia of bone
- Numerous theories
- Four mechanisms that are mutual rather than exclusive
- Interruption arterial supply
- Capillary occlusion
- Intraosseous capillary tamponade
- Injury to vessel wall
- 1. Arterial insufficiency
- Fractures & dislocations most often seen
- SUFCE & Perthes related
- poor associated collateral blood supply
- following treatment
- 2. Intravascular Capillary Occlusion
- Due to vascular sludging
- Caissons Disease
- nitrogen bubbles
- Corticosteroids
- fat emboli
- Alcohol
- fat emboli
- Sickle Cell disease » abnormal RBC
- 3. Intraosseous Capillary Tamponade (intraosseous HTN)
- Osteonecrosis as a compartment syndrome
- Commonest cause of AVN
- Corticosteroids
- enlarged marrow fat cells
- Alcohol
- enlarged marrow fat cells
- Post-infection
- inflammatory response
- also related to activation of intravascular DIC
- Gauchers Disease
- glycocerebroside in bloated macrophages
- 4. Vessel Wall Damage
- radiation-induced vessel disease
- vasculitis
- Can also add…
- Venous Occlusion (Chandler’s disease)
- Venular pressure > Arteriolar pressure
- Must be very extensive to produce vascular stasis
- Capsular tamponade from effusion, trauma etc
- Perthes disease
- Infection
- Stages of disease process
- 1. Death
- Ischaemic event
- Segmental bone death
- opaque yellow marrow
- Marrow cells die in 6-12 hours
- Osteocytes die in 24-48 hours
- 2. Inflammation/ Revascularisation
- Capillaries & mesenchymal cells advance from adjacent live marrow
- Grow into dead marrow spaces
- Cuff of vascular granulation tissue
- Mesenchymal cells differentiate
- Pluripotential cells within femoral head
- 3. Repair
- Macrophages remove the dead fat & cellular debris
- Dead bone resorbed by the osteoclasts
- Creeping Substitution
- New bone laid down on the dead trabeculae by osteoblasts
- Sclerosis on XR
- If healing incomplete
- Dead bone replaced by fibrous tissue & granulation tissue
- Cystic areas appear within lesion due to osteoclastic resorption
- Surrounding bone becomes sclerotic
- At this stage fracture/ collapse can occur due to
- Stress fracture of dead bone
- Stress riser at edge of creeping substitution
- Weakness of repair front trabeculae due osteoclastic activity
- Dead bone may fracture without superior articular surface collapse
- Due to strength of the subchondral bone
- 4. Remodelling
- Dead trabeculae removed
- Woven bone turned into lamella
- 5. Osteoarthritis
- Secondary to collapse
- Altered force transmission due to subchondral collapse
Traumatic AVN
- Overlying superficial cartilage to tideline that receives nutrition from joint fluid not involved
- Cartilage below tideline dies due to disruption of blood supply
- The bone below this area also necrotic
- Influx of inflammatory cells & macrophages to remove infarcted marrow
- Then see ingrowth of fibrovascular tissue that differentiates into osteoblasts & deposits new bone on dead trabeculae
- Then replacement of the central necrotic bone – Creeping substitution
- If fibrovascular tissue fails to reach infarct then necrotic marrow undergoes ectopic calcification – MUCH more common in non-traumatic infarcts
Atraumatic AVN
- The differences are related to the fact that the original fibrovascular tissue from first infarct prevents further new ingrowth of mesenchymal tissue after this & so it becomes calcified with repeated infarction
- The area of subchondral bone beneath viable cartilage resorbed & so stress fracture common in this area
- Interior of infarct remains unrepaired
- Subchondral/ Juxta-articular AVN
- Most commonly affects
- Anterosuperolateral portion of femoral head
- Central dome of humeral head
- Infarction of medullary bone & cortex
- Loss of medullary & cortical architecture
- Painful & progressive
- If subchondral collapse
- Crescent Sign
- Secondary Osteoarthritis
- Wrinkle appears at dead margin
- Then fissures appear
- Escape of bony detritus through crack into joint leads to synovitis
- Cartilage may lift off
- Fibrocartilage may form on sequestrum
- Stage 1
- Joint unaltered & external examination of joint shows no abnormalities
- Cut section of necrotic zone shows wedge shaped region with dull-yellow & chalky marrow in subarticular area
- Surrounding marrow separated by thin red hyperaemic border
- Microscopically the articular cartilage is viable down to calcified zone (tidemark)
- The subchondral bone has replaced marrow elements with eosinophilic granular material containing ghosts of fat cells
- Extensive calcification maybe present due to repeated AVN episodes
- At margin of infarct is proliferation of osteoblasts & fibroblasts/ capillaries moving into medullary space
- Radiologically not detectable
- Stage 2
- The overall shape of bone intact & articular surface radiologically intact
- However see Sclerotic Rim at the boundary between necrotic zone & unaffected marrow
- Central region of necrosis unchanged but the hyperaemic zone thicker
- Microscopically advancing front of granulation tissue, lipid laden macrophages, fibroblasts & capillaries at periphery & extending into necrotic zone
- A second front at a distance has dead bone being resorbed by osteoclasts – Creeping Substitution (Phemister) » removal of necrotic tissue whilst maintaining structural integrity
- Accounts for ↑ uptake on radionuclide scanning
- Stage 3
- Alteration in bone shape becomes radiologically identifiable
- Collapse in necrotic area occurs
- On gross inspection the trabecular bone is fractured below the bony end plate
- Subchondral fracture follows – Crescent Sign » the cartilage above springs back & lucent line produced
- Trabecular fracture due to
- – Cumulation of fatigue-induced microfractures
- – Weakness of trabecular bone in reparative front due to osteoclastic
- activity
- – Stress risers at the junction of necrotic bone & the reparative front
- Microscopically appears as bony & cartilaginous debris
- Overlying cartilage may still look viable
- Appearance of unstable non-united fractures elsewhere
- Deep trabecular fracture may produce no overlying changes although can see articular depression
- Stage 4
- Morphological changes of degenerative arthritis
- Medullary Osteonecrosis
- Infarction of medullary bone
- Usually caused by medical conditions
- Dysbarism
- Haemoglobinopathies
- Gauchers disese
- Most commonly affects
- Lower femur
- Upper tibia
- Upper humerus
- Variable extent
- Asymptomatic usually
- Silent & non-progressive
- Similar pathology
- Collagen Calcium
- “Coil of Smoke” sign
- Pathology
- Dead marrow yellow & opaque
- Surrounded by dense collagen layer that maybe calcified
- Cortical width ↑ if close
- Main change is calcification
- Wavy line of ↑ density – Coil of Smoke Sign
- Endosteal cortex thickened
- Difficult to distinguish from
- Bone island
- Calcified enchondroma
- Investigations
- Blood Tests
- Resistance to activated protein C
- Lipoprotein Lp(a)
- Protein C & S
- Tissue plasminogen activator & inhibitor
- Antiphospholipid antibodies
- Plain radiographs
- Mottling
- Sclerotic line at junction of dead bone
- Later
- Crescent sign with joint collapse (best seen in frog leg lateral of femoral head)
- Segmental collapse
- End-stage changes of Osteoarthritis
- Until Osteoarthritis joint space is maintained
- Dead bone appears dense due to
- Compression of dead trabeculae
- Subchondral fracture
- Calcium of dead marrow (saponification)
- Onlay of new bone on dead trabeculae
- Relative osteosclerosis with surrounding osteopenia
- Bone Scan
- Initially ↓ uptake
- Doesn’t absolutely predict AVN as revascularization may occur without necrosis
- Later ↑ uptake due to repair
- Hot later doesn’t necessarily predict good outcome as revascularization may be inadequate
- Non-specific
- Cold areas may be metastases
- Hot areas may have numerous causes
- Most useful to detect avascularity
- After acute femoral neck fracture or hip dislocation
- CT Scan
- Not useful in early stages
- Best to differentiate precollapse stage 2 from structural collapse of stage 3
- Good to detect
- Extent of subchondral fracture
- Flattening & collapse of articular surface
- Gold standard in early detection
- Most sensitive & specific
- Femoral head most extensively studied
- Normal marrow rich in fat » High signal intensity on T1
- Dead marrow » Decrease in signal intensity on T1
- T1 see low signal line
- Earliest
- Avascular-Vascular bone interface
- T2 see double-line
- Outer low signal line is thickened trabeculae
- Inner high signal line is granulation tissue
- Advantages are
- Early detection » pre-radiological
- Accurate localisation & extent of area involved
- Change in signal early related to ↑ water content
- Functional Exploration
- 3-phase invasive investigations – Ficat
- Intraosseous pressure
- Abnormal > 30mmHg
- Intramedullary Venogram
- Biopsy
- No longer used
- Non-Traumatic Osteonecrosis of Femoral Head
- Epidemiology
- Most common in middle aged men
- M:F is 4:1
- Peak incidence is 30-60 years
- Bilateral in 50% of idiopathic & 80% of the corticosteroid-related
- Aetiology
- Exposure to alcohol & steroids make up 90% of cases where aetiology established
- Alcohol
- Most common presentation
- 15-75% of patients
- 5-30% of alcoholics develop AVN
- 50% bilateral
- Studies suggest as little as 400ml/ week is enough
- Most idiopathics likely to be alcohol-related
- Steroids
- Risk related to the length of treatment & size of dose
- Overall risk is 3-25%
- Interval from use to time of onset varies from 6 months to 3 years
- Often multiple sites involved
- Often bilateral (80%)
- Usually progresses to joint failure
- Conditions
- Post-Transplantation
- 20% initially
- Now 2% due to use of Cyclosporin instead
- Usually onset within 1 year but can be up to 6 years
- Involves the
- Femoral head
- Humeral head
- Femoral condyle
- In decreasing order of frequency
- Leukaemia/ Lymphoma
- Rheumatoid
- Asthma
- Differences from traumatic AVN are
- Anterolateral position of lesion in femoral head
- Repetitive nature of lesions compared with single event in traumatic form
- Clinical Features
- Aching pain in groin & thigh
- Radiates to knee & buttocks
- Gradual onset
- Occasionally sudden
- Initially mechanical
- ROM reduced due to pain particularly Internal rotation & Abduction
- Click
- Staging
- Ficat & Arlet (1980)
- Stage 1
- Onset of ischaemia
- Clinically evident
- XR normal
- MRI ± bone scan changes only
- Stage 2
- Pain
- Early XR changes
- Cystic/ Sclerotic areas appear
- Stage 3
- Structural changes
- Classical XR changes
- See Crescent Sign & Flattening
- Stage 4
- Degenerative changes
- Modifications
- Hungerford & Lennox
- Added Stage 0 to Ficat & Arlet
- Preclinical
- XR normal
- Bone scan cold
- MRI double line on T2
- Steinberg – Stages 0-6
- Stage 3 divided into those with & those without collapse
- Also quantified the extent of subchondral fracture
- A – Mild < 15%
- B – Moderate 15-30%
- C – Severe > 30%
- Japanese Investigation Committee
- Radiographic location
- Medial – A
- Central – B
- Lateral – C
- Florida Classification – Enneking
- Treatment
- NON-Operative
- Observation & Protected Weight-Bearing
- Stage 1 & 2 left untreated will collapse in 85% at 2 years
- Metanalysis of 21 studies & 819 hips at 3 years
- – 74% had radiological progression
- – 76% required arthroplasty
- – The incidence of radiological progression was related to stage
- time to failure was not related to degree of NWB
- The very small lesions < 15% may heal & not progress with non op treatment
- Core Decompression (Forage)
- Ficat & Arlet 1964
- Rationale
- – Reduction of Intramedullary pressure
- – Stimulate angiogenic & osteoblastic responses (enhances creeping substitution)
- – Pain relief
- – Tissue for diagnosis
- Procedure
- – Fracture table & II
- – Lateral trochanteric approach
- – Hollow biopsy trephine – 8-10mm
- – The anterolateral part of head within 5mm of the articular surface
- – 3mm drill used to penetrate the necrotic segment to subchondral bone
- Results
- Divergence of opinion
- Metanalysis of 24 studies involving 1206 hips at 3 years
- 37% did not progress radiologically
- 33% required arthroplasty
- Success related to stage
- – Stage 1 – 84%
- – Stage 2 – 65%
- – Stage 3 – 47%
- Two studies compared core decompression with non-op treatment
- No collapse in 61% vs 39%
- No arthroplasty in 75% vs 29%
- Complications
- Uncommon
- Include
- – Subtrochanteric fracture
- – Infection
- Indications
- Stage 1 & 2 disease
- Stage 3 where not suitable for more extensive procedure
- Non Vascularised Bone Grafting
- Cortical bone graft into defect produced with core decompression
- Rationale
- Provides mechanical support for articular surface during healing
- Procedure
- Cortical strut graft from the
- – Ilium
- – Fibula
- – Tibia
- Inserted into core track
- Protected weight bearing for 3-6 months until radiographic evidence of healing
- Results
- Conflicting reports
- Success rates of 60-80% with short term follow up
- Some long term reports have 30% successful outcome
- Disadvantages
- Prolonged restricted weight bearing
- Indications
- Early stage 3 lesions ?
- Unsuccessful core decompression
- Vascularised Bone Grafting (Urbaniak 1987)
- Rationale
- To enhance revascularisation so that progression of necrosis altered
- Vascularised grafts undergo more rapid & complete incorporation
- Procedure
- Considerable variability
- Donor site
- – Ilium
- – Fibula
- – GT
- Muscle pedicle artery & vein used
- – Inferior gluteal
- – Profunda femoris
- – Circumflex
- Results
- Most studies have short term follow up in small numbers
- Most comprehensive is Yoo – 81 hips at 5 years
- Vascularised fibula to profunda femoris
- 91% of Stage 2 & 3 had Good-Excellent results
- 89% had no radiological progression
- However the rate of conversion to THR is identical to core decompression at 20%
- Indications
- Stage 2 or early Stage 3 lesion
- Young patient
- Large lesion
- Osteotomy
- Rationale
- Transfer load from necrotic area to undamaged part
- Transection of bone may afford decompression
- Procedure
- Maybe flexion/ extension/ valgus/ varus or rotational
- If superolateral then need
- Flexion
- Valgus
- If central then
- Varus
- Flexion
- Sugioka
- Transtrochanteric rotational osteotomy
- Technically demanding
- Can rotate through 90°
- Poor results if not intertrochanteric with damage to blood supply of the head
- Results
- Sugioka osteotomy in 52 hips Stage 3
- 56-69% at average of 5 years successful
- If > 50% involved then results poor
- Deterioration with time – only 40% of hips surviving 7-10 years
- Cumulative necrotic sector angle (Kerboul)
- Angle from centre of femoral head to edges of necrotic sector measured on AP & lateral films & added together – if < 200° then a favorable outcome after femoral osteotomy may be expected
- Disadvantages
- Make subsequent THR difficult
- Indications
- Stage 3 disease
- Small lesion
- No ongoing cause for AVN
- Hemiarthroplasty
- Poor results – 50% revision rate
- Loosening & Protrusio biggest problem
- Study showed almost universal acetabular cartilage disease at time of arthroplasty
- Total Hip Replacement
- Better results – preferred treatment?
- Failure rate higher than for other diagnoses
- Related to poorer bone stock
- 30-50% revision rates at 10 years
- In < 50 yo with AVN cemented THR (metal on poly) has 50% failure rates at 10 years (Dorr) – apparently no other study gives better results than this
- Arthrodesis
- Usually contraindicated
- As the disease is bilateral in 50-80%
- Reasonable option in young, active, heavy man with unilateral disease
- Electrical Stimulation
- Not proven technique
- May be adjunct to other surgery
- AVN of Humeral Head
- 2nd most common site
- Smoking ↑ risk 4x
- Primary vascular supply
- Anterior circumflex humeral artery
- Arcuate artery once in bone
- 26-75% rate AVN after 4-part fracture
- Avoid activities above shoulder height
- » Greatest joint reaction force
- Benefit of core decompression ambiguous
- 94% relief of pain with prosthesis