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Two Hit Theory
- Associated with 2 cellular oncogenes
- 1. Proto-oncogenes
- 2. Suppressor Genes
- Proto-oncogenes become active oncogenes after alterations such as
- Point mutations
- Re-arrangement
- Gene application
- Tumour Suppressor genes play an opposite role in tumour development
- Inactivation or loss results in a tumour
- Need both situations to occur
- Includes p53 & RB1
- p53
- Associated with soft tissue sarcoma
- RB1
- Retinoblastoma Suppressor Gene
- Chr13
- 40% of soft tissue sarcoma have lost single copy of it
- ? Congenitally only 1 copy, then other stops working
- Some patients have genetic predisposition to neoplasia secondary to abnormal suppressor gene