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- Primary malignant bone-producing bone tumour characterised by production of osteoid
- ie bone matrix produced by malignant cells
- Second most common malignant neoplasm of bone after multiple myeloma
- 20% of all malignant neoplasms of bone
- Bimodal peak
- M:F – 1.5:1
Anatomical Classification
- 1. Central
- Further subclassified by
- Grade
- High grade (10-20yo, most common)
- Low grade
- Pathology
- Conventional
- Telangiectatic
- Small cell
- Giant cell
- 2. Juxtacortical (surface osteosarcoma)
- Low grade (30-40yo, usually low grade)
- High grade
- 3. Intra-cortical
- 4. Soft tissue
- 5. Secondary
- Strong genetic influence
- Increased risk in children with familial retinoblastoma (500x)
- RB 1 gene on chromosome 13
- P53 on 17p
- Also associated with chromosomal abnormalities such as
- Rothmund-Thompson syndrome
- Bloom syndrome