- Demographics
- Age
- Occupation
- Handedness
- Pain
- Location
- point to where it is
- Radiation
- does the pain go anywhere else
- Type
- Burning, sharp, dull
- Location
- How long have you had the pain
- How did it start
- Injury
- Insidious
- Progression
- Is it getting worse or is it remaining stable
- When
- Mechanical
- Rest
- Nocte
- Aggrevating & Relieving Factors
- start up, mechanical
- Associated
- Stiffness
- Swelling
- Deformity / Contracture
- Age of onset
- Progression
- Click / clunk
- Givesway
- Numbness
- Weakness
- Paraesthesia
- Red Flags
- Risk Factors
- Duyputrens
- Diathesis
- Peyronies, Ledderhosen, Garrod’s
- Family History, racial origin
- Diabetes, Alcohol, Smoke, Epilepsy
- Work
- Diathesis
- RA
- Duyputrens
- Function
- How has this affected your life
- Home
- Precision
- Pens
- Buttons
- Keys
- Gross motor
- Turning taps
- Carrying shopping bags
- Rising from chairs
- Bedroom
- Dressing
- Bathroom
- Washing
- Hygiene
- Feeding
- Dupuytren’s
- Clumsy, catching in pocket
- Precision
- Work
- Sport
- Treatment
- Nonoperative
- Medications
- Analgesia
- How much
- How long
- Physio
- Orthotics
- Walking sticks
- Splints
- Medications
- Operative
- Nonoperative
- Past Medical History
- Family History
Any last questions
- what would you like done?