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- Demographics
- pain
- location
- point to where the pain is
- radiation
- Type
- how long
- how did it start
- progression
- when
- Mechanical
- Rest, night pain
- Constant
- Aggrevating,relieving
- Hills
- Neuropathic
- extension & walking downhill
- ¯ walking uphill & sitting
- vascular
- walking uphill
- ¯ rest
- standing is better than sitting due to pressure gradient
- stairs
- shopping trolleys
- coughing, straining
- sitting
- forward flexion
- Associated
- Paresthesia
- Numbness
- Weakness
- Bowel, Bladder
- Stiffness
- Deformity
- Cervical myelopathy
- Clumbsiness of hand
- Unsteadiness
- Manual dexterity
- Red Flags
- Loss of weight
- Constitutional symptoms
- Fevers, sweats
- Night pain, rest pain
- History of trauma
- immunosuppresion
- Functional
- Home
- Walking distance
- Shoes, socks
- Stairs
- Hills
- Work
- Manual vs office
- Lifting, vibration, sitting
- Sport
- Treatment
- Nonoperative
- Medications
- Analgesia
- How much
- How long
- Physio
- Orthotics
- Operative
- Past Medical History with emphasis on Risk Factors
- Family history
- Risk factors
- Shx
- Prognostic factors
- Management issues