Imaging Definitions


A radiological investigation that utilizes wavelike forms of electromagnetic energy carried by particles called photons which exposes photosensitive film to differing° depending on it’s absorption in the tissue through which it passes.


A radiological investigation that utilizes high frequency sound waves & their echoes off different tissue boundaries to generate a 2 dimensional image which we refer to as an ultrasound.

CAT Scan

A radiological investigation that utilizes a revolving xray tube & detector to perform thousands of xrays which are formatted via a computer to generate a 3 dimension image.

Bone Scan

A nuclear medicine investigation that utilizes phosphate derived radioactive isotopes that are injected intravenously. They are taken up preferentially in areas of ↑ bone activity. The radiation given off is used to generate an image that we know as a bone scan.

MRI Scan

A radiological investigation that utilizes different responses from tissues when exposed to a radiofrequency pulse whilst in a static magnetic field to generate 2 or 3 dimensional images.

A T1 image is generated by examining the duration taken for atoms to return to their longitudinal axis of polarization.

A T2 image is generated by examining the rate of decay in atoms that are transversely magnetized.