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- prone on operating table
- position bolsters longitudinally on either side of patient from ASIS to shoulders
- midline longitudinal incision centred over most prominent apical rib
- Start
- End
Internervous Plane
- Trapezius
- Latissimus dorsi
Superficial Dissection
- Continue incision down to fascia
- Using retractors to retract skin & fasica laterally at least 12 cm from midline
Deep Dissection
- Identify lateral border of trapezius & retract it medially
- Identify the thoracolumbar fascia & latissimus dorsi
- Incise medially border & retract laterally
- Split iliocostalis muscles longitudinally over each involved rib that is being removed
- Incise periosteum in line with each rib
- Strip the intercostal muscles subperiosteally to expose the rib
- Ask anaesthetist to stop the patient’s breathing the lung before excising ribs
- Neurovascular bundle
- Pneumothorax
- Haemothorax