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- supine
- tornique
- foot rest
- lateral support
- patella
- patellar ligament
- tibial tuberosity
- straight longitudinal midline incision extending from a point
- Start: 5 cm above the superior pole of patella
- End: level of tibial tubercle
Internervous Plane
- Quadriceps splitting approach
Superficial Dissection
- Subcutaneous tissues
- Expose quadriceps tendon, medial border of patella, medial border of patella tendon
- Enter the joint by incising
- Medial side of patella leaving a cuff for repair
- Divide quadriceps tendon along it’s medial border leaving a cuff for repair
- Dividing the fibrous tissue along the medial aspect of patella tendon
- Retract the fat pad & exise it