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Orif & Bone Graft
- to restore anatomical & mechanical properties (± vascularity) of scaphoid to prevent development of chronically painful wrist &/or SNAC arthrosis
- to acutely fix displaced fractures
- fix & bone graft ununited fractures with correction of any deformity
- to vascularise & fix avascular bones.
- POP / GAMP / GAMP & perc. Fixation / ORIF(volar or dorsal)
- ORIF + bone graft (onlay, inlay, or vascularised)
- Salvage procedures
- Excision of proximal pole (if <1/4, highly fragmented or failed ORIF)
- Excision scaphoid & 4 corner fusion
- Wrist arthrodesis
- Displaced acute fracture
- >1mm step
- SL angle >60°
- lateral intrascaphoid angle>45°
- height:length > 0.65
- Treatment – GAMP & perc fixation or ORIF
- Failure of non-op mgmt d.t. non union by 12 weeks (5-10% overall, 30% if proximal pole)
- Treatment – ORIF & bone graft
- Malunion with deformity
- Treatment – ORIF & inlay graft
- Delayed Treatment of previously unrecognised injury – relative indication
- Degenerative change
- To ORIF alone – established non union
- To ORIF & cancellous graft – humpback deformity
- To non vascularised graft – absence of intraop punctate bleeding from proximal pole
PreOp Planning
- Good quality radiographs
- Contralateral films for assessment SL angle
- Consent
- ORIF volar
- ORIF dorsal
- ORIF & cancellous graft
- ORIF & corrective cortico-cancellous graft
- ORIF & vascularised graft
Postop Rehab
- 2 weeks in BE slab + 6 weeks in scaphoid POP, if union splint further 8 weeks, if not, POP further 8 weeks
- 90 + % union rates if vascular bone with fracture at waist
- 20% if proximal pole
- 50% if avascular & non vascularised graft used
- 70% if avascular & vascularised graft used
- General Anaesthetic
- General Surgical
- Specific Surgical
- Neurovascular injury, Scaphoid injury, Scaphoid comminution
- Screw penetration
- Donor site morbidity
- Non union
- Avascular proximal pole
- Stiffness, weakness, arthrosis