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- Fibulectomy
- Single Incision Fasciotomy
Lateral (anterior & lateral compartments)
- 20- to 25-cm incision centered halfway between the fibular shaft & the crest of the tibia
- Use subcutaneous dissection for wide exposure of the fascial compartments
- Make a transverse incision to expose the lateral intermuscular septum & identify the superficial peroneal nerve just posterior to the septum
- Using Metzenbaum scissors, release the anterior compartment proximally & distally in line with the tibialis anterior
- Then perform fasciotomy of the lateral compartment proximally & distally in line with the fibular shaft
Medial (deep & superficial posterior)
- 2 cm posterior to the posterior margin of the tibia
- Use wide subcutaneous dissection to allow identification of the fascial planes
- Retract the saphenous vein & nerve anteriorly
- Make a transverse incision to identify the septum between the deep & superficial posterior compartments
- Release the fascia over the gastrocsoleus complex for the length of the compartment
- Make another fascial incision over the flexor digitorum longus muscle & release the entire deep posterior compartment
- As dissection is carried proximally, if the soleus bridge extends more than halfway down the tibia, release this extended origin.
- After release of the posterior compartment, identify the tibialis posterior muscle compartment.
- If ↑ tension is evident in this compartment, release it over the extent of the muscle belly
- Pack the wound open & apply a posterior plaster splint with the foot plantigrade
Management of fasciotomy wounds
- primary closure
- delayed primary closure
- which can be accomplished using the vessel loop shoelace technique
- healing by secondary intention
- split-thickness skin grafting to cover defects
- which is necessary in approximately 50% of patients