Aims, Principles & Alternatives
- Aim to urgently reduce & fix displaced fractures
- AVN risk correlates with severity of displacement, & delay in reduction leads to skin necrosis & infection
- Alternative
- BKPoP 8 – 12 weeks
- undisplaced, or minimal displacement
- poor surgical candidate
- BKPoP 8 – 12 weeks
- Displaced Talar neck fracture
- with/out
- dislocation of subtalar
- ankle
- talo-navicular joints
- Even if body completely extruded, replace & maintain limb length unless severely contaminated or comminuted.
- If excising body, can do tibio-calcaneal fusion, or spanning ex-fix & delayed Blair fusion or tibio-calcaneal fusion with interposition graft
- with/out
- Entirely undisplaced fracture
- Minimally displaced fracture
- elderly
- neuropathic
- diabetic
Preop Planning
- Xray
- AP/lateral /obl of ankle & foot
- CT
- if unsure of subtle displacement or loose bodies in subtalar joint
- Consent including
- AVN, skin breakdown, infection, subtalar/ankle arthritis
- Attempt urgent closed reduction, but often unsuccessful
- GA, supine, IV anti’s, tourniquet, prep & drape
- Medial approach ± medial malleolar osteotomy
- 10 cm incision from medial malleolus extending anteriorly & toward sole of foot, ending on medial side of navicular, in plane between Tibialis anterior & posterior. Avoid tendoneurovascular bundle below medial malleolus
- If talar body is extruded from ankle mortise, a medial malleolar osteotomy may assist in exposure & reduction (predrill screw holes). Expose fracture & anteromedial neck but preserve as much soft tissue attachment as possible. Reduce fracture & irrigate joint to remove debris
- anterolateral approach
- is often useful to assess reduction & allow insertion of 2nd screw. Make a 5 cm incision over sinus tarsi extending toward base of 4th MT
- Preserve cutaneous nerve branches & incise inferior extensor retinaculum. Reflect EDB & expose fracture
- Reduce, avoiding varus
- Temporarily fix with K wires, then insert cannulated screws (4.0 or 6.5 mm) anterior to posterior, one medial, one lateral & countersunk, just behind articular surface
- Check with II
- (Alternative is posterior to anterior screws from lateral to tendo Achilles, in interval between FHL & peroneal tendons)
Fix medial malleolus, close wounds.
- BKPoP 6-8 weeks
- Xray OOP to check for union & Hawkins sign
- If uniting, walking cast / CAM walker 6 weeks. Then shoe with scaphoid pad for 3 months
Hawkins (1970):
- I 100% union, 0% AVN
- II 100% union, 42% AVN
- III 89% union, 91% AVN
Canale & Kelly defined type IV fractures (100% AVN), & found low incidence of AVN in type I fractures.
Keeping patient NWB if AVN does not prevent collapse. Painful AVN may require debridement of necrotic bone & Blair fusion.
- General systemic
- General local
- skin necrosis, infection, DVT, neurovascular injury
- Specific
- post traumatic arthritis (even after undisplaced fracture), AVN, varus malunion