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Extraosseous Blood Supply
- Posterior Tibial Artery
- 1. Artery of the Tarsal Canal
- Arises from Posterior Tibial A 1cm proximal to division
- Passes anterior to FDL
- Enters Tarsal Canal (only other structure present is the Interosseous Ligament)
- Branches then enter Talus
- From medial side
- Inferiorly from the canal
- Continues to Tarsal Sinus
- Anastomosis with arteries in Tarsal Sinus to produce vascular sling
- 2. Deltoid Branch
- Important branch from the artery of the Tarsal Canal (occasionally directly from the Posterior Tibial A)
- Between the leaves of the Deltoid ligament
- Sends branches that enter via medial side of the talar body
- Responsible for supply to the medial 1/2 of the talar body
- Anterior Tibial Artery
- 1. Superior Neck Branches
- 2. Artery of Tarsal Sinus
- Formed by anastomosis of branch of the Dorsalis Pedis that crosses the navicular (lateral tarsal branch), the branch of the Perforating Peroneal A
- Supplies the lateral 1/2 of the talar body
- Peroneal A
- Unimportant
- Contributes to plexus around the posterior talus around the posterior tubercle area
- Perforating branch to artery of the Tarsal Sinus
- Head of Talus
- Medially from branches of the Dorsalis Pedis
- Laterally from the artery of the Tarsal Sinus
- Body of talus
- Laterally from the artery of the Tarsal Sinus (Lateral 1/3)
- Middle part from branches of the anastomosis between the arteries of Tarsal Sinus & Tarsal Canal
- Medial part from Deltoid artery (Medial 1/3)