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Essex Lopresti
- Extra-articular
- Anterior process fracture
- Superior tuberosity avulsion
- Medial process
- Sustentaculum tali
- Body
- Intra-articular*
- Joint depression 82%
- Tongue 18%
- *Based on appearance of secondary fracture line on lateral XR
- Primary Fracture Line
- Starts at lateral wall near tarsal sinus
- Passes in coronal plane
- Passes obliquely across posterior facet
- Exits at medial wall posterior to sustentaculum tali
- Produces 2 main fragments
- Tuberosity & Lateral wall with variable posterior facet
- Usually comminuted
- Usually displaces superior & lateral
- Sustentaculum with anterior & middle facet
- Secondary Fracture Lines
- May be numerous
- May be divided into two types
- Tongue & Depressed Joint types based on secondary fracture lines
- Tongue type
- Secondary fracture line extends posteriorly from superior point of primary line
- Produces posterior / superior lateral fragment
- Contains part of posterior facet & dorsal cortex of tuberosity
- Can seesaw down anteriorly
- Joint depression type
- Secondary fracture line also extends posteriorly but deviates dorsally to exit posterior to posterior facet
- Creates thalamic portion containing posterior facet
- Thalamic fragment contains the major portion of the calcaneal surface
- Coronal CT Classification
- To aid reduction of 3 part fractures (96%, only 4% two-part fractures with only primary fracture line)
- Not prognostic
- Uses coronal cut at level lateral malleolus
- 3 main fragments with inverted “Y” fracture
- Lateral joint fragment – usually depressed, rotates into valgus
- Sustentacular fragment – rarely depressed due to soft tissues, rotates into varus
- Body fragment – non-articular, migrates proximally into defect
Classification based on appearance of lateral wall
- Type 1: lateral wall formed by lateral joint fragment (37%)
- Type 2: lateral wall fragment formed by lateral joint fragment superiorly & body fragment inferiorly (45%)
- Type 3: lateral wall formed by body fragment (18%)