Sprains & Strains

  • Committee on the Medical Aspects of Sports of the American MedicalAssociation 1968
  • “Standard Nomenclature of Athletic Injuries”
  • sprain = injury limited to ligaments
  • strain = stretching injury of muscle or its tendinous attachment to bone
Degree Description
1st~tear of a minimal number of fibers with localized tenderness but no instability
2nd~disruption of more ligamentous fibers with more loss of function & more joint reaction with mild to moderate instability
3rd~complete disruption with resultant marked instability further graded depending on the degree of instability demonstrated during stress testing
~1+ – surfaces separate 5 mm or less
~2+ = 5 to 10 mm
~3+ = 10 mm or more
Classification of Strains & Sprains