Found at the base of the neck & described by Crock
Tends to be incomplete
Consists of the
Ascending branch of the LFCA anteriorly
Ascending branch of the MFCA posteriorly
most important contributor to the Lateral Epiphyseal Artery (Trueta & Sevitt 1953)
Arises from the profunda femoris
Passes posteriorly between
Psoas & Pectineus
Obturator externus & Adductor brevis
Quadratus femoris & Adductor magnus
Divides on anterior aspect of Quadratus femoris into ascending & transverse branch
Pass laterally on upper & lower border of Quadratus femoris
Ascending Cervical Vessels
Arise from the extracapsular ring
Comprised of four retinacular vessels
These vessels enter the neck at the attachment of the capsule (anterior at the intertrochanteric line & posteriorly at the intertrochanteric crest) & run up the neck
lateral vessels provide the greatest volume of the femoral head
LFCA gives rise to the anterior vessels & the MFCA gives rise to the rest
Subsynovial Ring (of Chung)
Forms from the retinacular vessels as ring on the surface of neck at margin of the articular cartilage
Epiphyseal arteries enter the head from here
Lateral Epiphyseal most important
Classified as complete & incomplete (Hunter 1743)
Greater number incomplete in males – ? greater incidence in males
When incomplete the defect was called anterior, posterior or combined
Artery of Ligamentum Teres
Branch of the Obturator Artery usually but occasionally the MFCA
Importance is uncertain but probably supplies the head in children more consistently than adults
Usually insufficient if other vessels divided
Age related changes in blood supply to Epiphysis
Age < 4
Receives blood from the metaphyseal vessels
Age 4-8
Blood from separate epiphyseal vessels as the physis is barrier to blood flow
Age > 8
The ligamentum teres has increasing significance in supply (20%)
Trueta suggested that did not supply until 3-4 years
Arises from the subsynovial ring as the Lateral Epiphyseal Artery
Artery of Ligamentum Teres (Medial Epiphyseal Artery)
These anastomose with the Metaphyseal arteries
Tenuous supply
Excellent supply
From the
Branches of the extracapsular arterial ring
Ascending cervical branches
Subsynovial ring
Intramedullary branches of the superior nutrient artery