“Two Step” Acromioplasty
- 1st step
- anterior acromioplasty to prevent impingement in flexion
- Resect anterior acromion back to ACJ
- 2nd step
- resect anteroinferior acromion as per Neer
- Beach chair/semi-upright position with head elevated 30 to 35°
- Regional Anaesthesia
- provides excellent postoperative analgesia
- Place iv bag medial to scapula
- Drape arm free to permit full rotation
- Perform EUA
- Range of motion
- if restricted → manipulate
- Stability
- Range of motion
Landmarks to outline
- Lateral acromion, coracoid, acj
- Outline proposed incision
- 7 cm transverse curvilinear incision
- From lateral to acromion towards point just lateral to coracoid
Superficial Dissection
- Through fat
- Expose Deltoid to ACJ
- Find fibrous anterior raphe at anterolateral corner acromion which marks anterior & lateral parts of deltoid
Deep Dissection
- Split raphe 3cm distally & along superior acromion in shape of “Y”
- <5cm from acromion border to avoid axillary nerve
- Detach Deltoid from acromion anterior to ACJ at fibrous insertion to allow repair
- Resect CA ligament using diathermy (due to presence of acromial branch of C/A artery) hence exposing SA space
- Place retractor under acromion to protect cuff
- Identify raphe between anterior & middle deltoid & split it distally ()
- Resect SA bursa along with all adhesions
- 2 stage acromion resection with burr | saw | osteotome
- 1. Use saw or osteotome to remove acromion anterior to anterior border of clavicle
- 2. Remove anteroinferior acromion to junction of anterior & middle thirds (use blunt hohmann to protect cuff during osteotomy)
- Smooth out any rough surfaces with rasp
- 3. Palpate undersurface of acj & remove any bone spurs or resect distal 1 to 1.5cm of lateral clavicle if severe degenerative changes present
- Inspect cuff & repair defects
- Abduct & Rotate
- Ostectomies
- Resect distal 2cm clavicle if Osteoarthritis
- < 4% of patients
- Only if pain referable to ACJ
- Confirmed by LA to joint
- Biceps tenodesis if > 50% torn
- Reattach deltoid to acromion via drill holes & nonabsorbable sutures
- Suture deltoid split from side to side
- Close wound in layers
- Sling for comfort
- Pendular exercises day 1
- Passive R.O.M. exercises at 1/52
- Active R.O.M. exercises at 3/52
- Anterior deltoid dysfunction
- Axillary nerve injury
- Detachment of deltoid from acromion
- Synovial fistula
- Acromial fracture