- Subcutaneous tissue
- Cutaneous nerves
- Lymphatic vessels & nodes
- Termination & tributaries of great saphenous vein
- Cutaneous branches of femoral artery
- Borders:
- Lateral intermuscular septum – posterior to vastus lateralis
- Medial intermuscular septum – posterior to sartorius and vastus medialis
- Function
- Hip flexors
- Knee extensors
- Innervation
- Femoral nerve
Arterial supply
Superficial Arteries
- 4 cutaneous branches of femoral artery
- Superficial circumflex iliac artery
- Pierces fascia lata lateral to saphenous opening
- Passes up below inguinal ligament
- Anastomose at the ASIS
- Superficial epigastric artery
- Through saphenous opening
- Crosses inguinal ligament
- Runs towards umbilicus
- Superficial external pudendal
- Through saphenous opening
- Passes medially, in front of spermatic cord (round ligament)
- To penis & scrotum / labium majus
- Deep external pudendal
- Pierces fascia lata
- Behind spermatic cord
- Supplies
- Skin of scrotum / labium majus
- Superficial circumflex iliac artery
Deep arteries
- Common femoral artery
- Profunda femoris
Venous drainage
Superficial veins
- Great saphenous vein
- Longest vein in body
- Path
- Commences as medial marginal vein of foot
- In front of medial malleolus
- Hands breath behind medial border of patella
- Through cribriform fascia of saphenous opening
- 3cm below & lateral to pubic tubercle
Deep veins
- Venae comitantes
- Anastomosing set of veins running paired with the femoral artery
Nerve supply
Superficial nerves
- Derived from L1-3
- Ilioinguinal
- Femoral branch of Genitofemoral
- Medial, Intermediate & Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerves
Ilioinguinal L1
- Collateral branch of iliohypogastric
- Path
- In anterior abdominal wall lies between internal oblique & transversus abdominis muscle
- Pierces internal oblique
- Deep to external oblique
- Through superficial inguinal ring
- Supplies
- Lower fibres of internal oblique
- Skin of
- root of penis
- anterior 1/3 scrotum
- small area of thigh below medial end of inguinal ligament
Genitofemoral L1 2
- only fibres of L1 pass into femoral branch which is given off as nerve lies on psoas major
- Path
- Runs down external iliac artery
- Beneath inguinal ligament
- Pierces fascia below the middle of inguinal ligament
- Genital branch passes through deep ring
- Supplies
- Skin over femoral triangle
Medial femoral cutaneous nerve L2 3
- Branch of femoral nerve
- Path
- Inclines medially over femoral vessels
- Pierces fascia lata at mid thigh
- Supplies
- Medial side of thigh
- Patellar plexus
Intermediate femoral cutaneous nerve L 2 3
- Branch of femoral nerve
- Path
- Passes vertically downwards
- Pierces sartorius
- Pierces fascia lata at higher level than medial femoral cutaneous nerve
- Supplies
- Front of thigh down to knee
- Patellar plexus
Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve L2 3
- Path
- Passes lateral border of psoas major
- Lies behind fascia lata
- At inguinal ligament it is incorporated with substance of iliac fascia
- Passes behind or pierces fascia inguinal ligament 1 cm medial to ASIS
- Divides into anterior & posterior branches which pierce fascia lata separately
- Branches
- Anterior
- Supplies
- Anterolateral surface of thigh
- Patellar plexus
- Supplies
- Posterior
- Supplies
- Posterolateral aspect from level of greater trochanter to mid thigh
- Supplies
- Anterior
- Compression syndromes
- Meralgia paraesthesia
Obturator nerve L 2 3 4
- Sends twigs from anterior division into subsartorial plexus
- Supplies
- Skin over medial side of thigh
Patellar plexus
- Formed by terminal branches of:
- Medial & intermediate femoral cutaneous nerves
- Anterior branch of lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
- Infrapatellar branch of saphenous nerve
Muscles of anterior compartment
- Quadriceps:
- Rectus femoris
- Two heads
- Origins – superior acetabular ridge and AIIS
- Vastus lateralis
- Origin –
- Vastus medialis
- Origin – Anterior femoral shaft
- Vastus intermedius
- Origin –
- Sartorius
- Pectineus
- Articularis genu
- From distal anterior femur to capsule of knee joint
- Tensor fascia latae
- Iliotibial tract
Author Contributions
Sean Griffiths, Resident, Western Health 2020