
  • 206 bones
    • 80: axial skeleton
    • 126: appendicular skeleton.
  • Ossification (the formation of bone)
    • intramembranous (without a cartilage model eg.skull)
    • enchondral (with a cartilage model eg. most bones)
      • Enchondral growth begins in the diaphyses of long bones at primary ossification centers
        • most are present at birth
      • Secondary ossification centers usually develop in the periphery of bones and are important for growth and
        the treatment of childhood fractures.
BoneOssification CentreAge of AppearanceAge of Fusion
ScapulaBody (primaly)8 wk (fetal)
Coracold (tlp)1yr 
Coracoid 15 yr
Acromion 15 yr
Inferior angle 16 yr
Medial border 16 yr
ClavicleMedial (primary)5 wk (fetal)25
Lateral (primary) yr5 wk (fetal)
Sternal19 yr
HumerusBody (primary)8 wk (fetal)Blends at 6 yr and unites at 20 yr
Head1 yr
Greater tuberosity3 yr
Lesser tuberosiry5 yr
Capitulum2 yrBlends and unites with body at 16-18 yr
Medial epicondyles5yr
Trochlea9 yr
Lateral epicondyles 13 yr
UlnaBody (primary)8 wk (fetal) 
Dlstal ulna5 yr20 yr
Olecranon10 yr16 yr
RadiusBody (primary)8 wk (fetal) 
Distal radius2 yr17-20 yr
Proximal radius5 yr15-18 yr
PelvisIli um (primary)2 mo15 yr
Ischium (plimary)4 mo15 yr
Pubis (primaty)6 mo15 yr
Acetabulum12 yr15 yr
TibiaBody (primaty)7 wk (feral) 
Proximal (secondary)Birth20 yr
Distal (secondary)2 yr18 yr
FibulaBody (primary)8 wk (feral) 
Proximal (secondary)3 yr25 yr
Distal (secondary)2 yr20 yr