Regional Area | Groove | Associated Anatomy |
Hand | Hook of hamate | Ulnar nerve |
Trapezial groove | FCR tendon | |
Wrlst | Dlstal ulna | ECU |
Radial styloid | EPL | |
Elbow | Medial supracondylar process | Median nelve, brachial artery |
Shoulder | Scapular notch | Suprascapular nerve |
Supraglenoid tubercle | Long head of biceps brachii | |
Infraglenoid tubercle | Long head or triceps brachii | |
Hip | ASIS | Sartorius |
AIlS | Straigt head of rectus femoris | |
Ischial spine | Coccygeus, levator ani | |
Lesser sciatic foramen | Pudendal nerve | |
Piriformis fossa | Obturator externus | |
Tip of greater trochanter | Piriformis | |
Quadrate tubercle | Quadratus femoris | |
Lesser trochanter | Psoas | |
Knee | Hunter’s canal | Femoral artery becomes popliteal artery |
Adductor tubercle | Adductor magnus | |
Gerdy tubercle | IT band | |
Fibular neck | Common peroneal nerve | |
Foot | Knot of Henry | FDL-FHL intersection |
Sustentaculum tali | Spring ligament (FHL inferiorly) | |
Base of fifth metatarsal | Peroneus brevis Plantar aponeurosis | |
Tuberosity of navicular | Tibialis posterior | |
Cuboid groove | Peroneus longus | |
Sinus tarsi | Ligamentum celvis tali EDB |