Kinematics of the elbow
- Flexion range
- 150o
- Rotation range
- Pronation 80o
- Supination 85o
- Carrying angle
- Male 7o
- Female 13
- Cubitus valgus = > 15o
- Cubitus varus = < 5 – 10o
- Kinetics
- inefficient because of short lever arms of muscle insertions
- In maximal extension & pronation = up to 3x TBW through elbow in lifting
- 60% radial, 40% ulna
Radial head is important for acute + long term stability & to prevent pathologic proximal migration.
- Valgus Stability
- Radial head is secondary stabiliser resisting valgus load
- Radial head excision ↓lever arm to medial ligament & therefore ↑MCL tension for same valgus force
- Longitudinal Stability
- Radius vs. ulna load sharing at the elbow varies according to pronation/supination (as central portion interosseous ligament changes alignment) & flexion/extension
- But Halls + Travill quoted → ulna = 60% + radius = 40%
- Radial head preservation paramount when interosseous ligament torn
- In proximal radial migration, deformity is at wrist = distal ulna dorsal + distal to carpus = supination + extension block
- Limited results from ulna shortening, Sauve-Kapandji, Darrach, in established proximal radial migration
- Salvage = one bone forearm (radioulnar synostosis) to maintain elbow flexion/extension & wrist function albeit fixed in rotation
- Radial head replacement