Ankle and foot consists of 26 bones and 33 joints with many involved muscles, tendons and ligaments.
General Inspection
- Adequate exposure,
- Patient should ideally be wearing shorts to assess ankle, knee and hip as well as a shirt able to assess the back.
- General
- RA, diabetes, evidence of systemic disease
- Mobility aids, external appliances
- Shoes
- Wear pattern
- Off the self commercial shoes with no modifications & orthotic
Ask patient to walk
- Walk away then walk towards
- Normal move of foot through walking – heel strike to toe off
- Gait
- Antalgic (shortened stance phase compared to swing phase)
- Cavus (walking on outside of foot)
- Planus (walking on inside of foot)
- Foot drop (high stepping stance)
- Hallux Rigidis (unable to toe off)
(Gait videos here)
- Foot progression angle
- Angle of foot compared to straight line extending forward from middle of body)
- Slight external rotation normal angle with walking
- Features
- Stiff ankle
- Foot drop
- Fixed equines
- Antalgic
- Rocker
Get patient to face wall
Double heel raise
- Ability
- Neurological
- likely central cause
- cerebral palsy, spina bifida, cord injury
- Muscular
- muscular dystrophy
- disuse
- Heel movement
- symmetrical heel swing into varus
- heel remains in valgus (abnormal)
- Medial arch
- restoration
- Single heel raise
- on normal foot
- on abnormal foot
- Neurological
- central – stroke, polio, radiculopathy
- peripheral – nerve injury
- Tendinous
- tibialis posterior dysfunction
From Front
Stand patient facing you, describe proximal to distal
- Knee alignment: physiological valgus, patella alignment, valgus with pes planus, rotational profile
- Foot rotation: symmetrical ER
- Forefoot: splaying
- Hallux: valgus / varus, pronation, lPJ,
- Lesser toes: overriding, Hammer(PIPJ flexion)/Claw (hyperextension of MTPJ, flexion PIPJ/DIPJ)/Mallet (flexion DIPJ), callosities over IPJ
- Cavovarus deformity of foot exposes heel to anterior view
- Scars, trophic changes, venous stasis, circulatory disturbance, hair loss, hyperpigmentation, varicosities, ulcers, disuse / denervation, dry skin, dekeratinisation, nails
- Examine between toes
- Swelling
- Anterolateral ankle
- Navicular
- Bunion
- Bunionette
- Muscle Wasting
- Quadriceps
From Medial Side
Turn affected side away
Ensure to assess medial and lateral sides of both feet
Assess arch
- Pes planus (flat foot)
- Can doriflex big toe, if flexible flat foot then arch with reform (Jack test)
- Pes cavus (high arch)
- See above
- Swelling
- Tibialis posterior
From Lateral Side
- Knee
- Flexion attitude
- Ankle
- Equinus
- Scars
- Swelling
- Peroneal tendons
From Behind
- Back
- Sagittal spinal deformity
- Cutaneous manifestations of spinal dysraphism
- Lower limb
- rotation/angulation deformity (eg coxa/genu valgum/varum)
- Hindfoot
- Physiological valgus (~5o valgus)
- Varus
- then ask for Coleman Block
- Valgus
- Single heel raise
- Should only be able to 1 and half toes on review posteriorly, any more indicates likely planovalgus
- See above
- Swelling
- Calf
- Duchenne
- Tendo Achilles
- Heel
- Haglund’s
- Wasting
- Calf
Sit patient on side of bed with you seated, inspect sole
- Scars
- Footprint
- normal
- well-distributed weight-bearing
- heel, lateral border, metatarsal heads
- abnormal
- altered weight distribution
- callosities
- MT heads (II, III), midfoot
- normal
- Lesions
- warts
- ulcers
- soft corns
- pedal sepsis
- Swelling
- plantar fibromatosis
Ask patient “where is it painful?”
Compare temperature of ankle joints
(Add anatomy slides to demonstrate locations of palpation)
- metatarsal heads
- I – sesamoids
- II-V – metatarsalgia
- interdigital neuroma
- interdigital tenderness
- lateral compression – pain & click
- heel
- origin of plantar fascia
- 1st Metatarsal head
- 1st metatarsal-Cuneiform joint (flare of base of 1st MT)
- Navicular Tubercle
- Head of Talus (evert forefoot)
- Medial Malleolus
- Sustentaculum Tali (1.5 cm below medial malleolus)
- Posterior impingement/ Os trigonum
- palpate posterior to medial malleolus and dorsiflex to reproduce pain
- 5th Metatarsal head
- Cuboid
- Calcaneum
- Tender in this region in Halglund’s deformity (overgrowth of bone around Achilles insertion)
- Peroneal Tubercle (separates peroneus longus & brevis)
- Lateral malleolus
- Tendo Achilles
- insertion
- tenderness
- along tendon
- tenderness (diffuse or focal)
- lump
- retrocalcaneal bursa (pinch tissue anterior to AT)
- calcaneal bursa (posterior to AT)
- insertion
- Tibialis Posterior
- prominent with plantarflexion & inversion
- thickening
- tenderness
- crepitus
- check power if abnormal
- navicular insertion
- Peroneals – Brevis & Longus
- thickening
- tenderness
- dislocation (resisted eversion)
- base of 5th MT insertion
- Tibialis Anterior
- Prominent with dorsiflexion & inversion
- Insertion
- Dorsiflex toes
Ankle Joint
- Lateral ligaments
- 1. Anterior Talo-Fibular Ligament (ATFL)
- 2. Calcaneo-Fibular Ligament (CFL)
- 3. Posterior Talo-Fibular Ligament (PTFL)
- 4. Anterior Inferior Tibiofibular Ligament (AITFL)
- 5. Posterior Inferior Tibiofibular Ligament (PITFL)
- Joint line
- Deltoid Ligament (Medial ligament)
- 1. Anterior Tibio-Talar Ligament
- 2. Tibio-Calcaneal Ligament
- 3. Posterior Tibio-Talar Ligament
- 4. Tibio-Navicular Ligament
- Deep
- Superficial
- Fluctuance
- Effusion or synovial thickening
- Bunion
- Bunionette
- Pulses
- Dorsalis pedis
- Posterior tibial
- Capillary refill
- Neurological
- SPN- sensation: across forefoot, motor eversion of foot
- DPN- sensation: 1st webspace, motor extension of hallux/phalanges
- TN- sensation: sole of foot (medial and lateral sides different branches of tibial nerve); motor: flexion of hallux/phalanges
- Sural- sensation along lateral aspect of foot
(Insert picture of pulses/neurology/lower limb compartments)
- Active, Passive, Power
- Compare both feet at same time
- Dorsiflexion
- Plantarfiexion
- Inversion
- Eversion
- Ankle / Tibiotalar (Dorsiflexion/Plantarflexion)
- thumb on talar neck
- grasp heel with other hand
- plantarflex & dorsiflex ankle
- movement occurring at ankle joint
- relate to foot at neutral (90°)
- dorsiflexion 20°
- plantarflexion 50°
- Subtalar (Inversion/Eversion)
- forefoot held in neutral at 90° to tibia (locks wider, anterior part of talar dome into ankle mortise)
- foot relaxed with thumb on talar neck
- grasp heel with other hand
- invert & evert heel
- inversion 10-15°
- eversion 0-5°
- Tarsal Coalition
- Restricted subtalar motion
- Midtarsal
- (Adduction/Abduction; Dorsiflexion/Plantarflexion)
- Foot held at 90° (to lock talus into ankle mortise)
- Calcaneus grasped
- Adduct foot (20°)
- Abduct foot (10°)
- Dorsiflexion
- Plantarflexion
- 1st MTPJ (Flexion/Extension)
- Stabilise forefoot & IPJ
- extension 70-90°
- flexion 45°
- 1st IPJ (Flexion/Extension)
- stabilise proximal phalanx
- flexion 90°
- extension 0°
- Toes (Flexion/Extension)
- extension only occurs at MTPJ
Special tests
Simmond’s Test
- With patient kneeling/laying prone
- Squeeze calf
- Plantar flexion should occur
- If nil movement, suspect Tendo Achilles Rupture
- Anterior Drawer
- Due to complete tear of ATFL
- grasp lower tibia & cup calcaneum
- “clunk” or draw
- cf. other side
- Lateral instability
- Inversion stress
- gaping of soft tissues
- talar tilt (may occur in normal & must cf. with other side)
- needs to be confirmed on stress views
- Medial Instability
- Eversion stress
- gaping/ widening
- needs to be confirmed on stress views
Gastrocnemius / Soleus Contracture
- test if limited dorsiflexion
- extend knee – dorsiflexion limited by both soleus & gastrocnemius contracture
- flex knee – gastrocnemius relaxed (crosses knee joint)
- if dorsiflexion still limited it is due to soleus contracture
- if limited in extension & not in flexion then due to gastrocnemius contraction
Pes Cavus
- Modify
- claw toes
- individual power cf. other side
- tibialis anterior (inversion in DF)
- tibialis posterior (inversion in PF)
- peronei
- Add
- Coleman block test
- dynamic visualisation of hindfoot correction
- stand on 2cm block
- Sensation
- Spine
- Hands
Hallux Valgus / Rigidus
- Add
- dorsal osteophytes
- passive ROM
- attempt to correct deformity
- grind test
- hallux interphalangeus
- lesser toes
Lesser Toes
- Add
- describe deformity
- claw, hammer, mallet, overriding, curly
- callosities
- palpate joints
- fixed or mobile
- subluxed or dislocated
Adult Flatfoot
- Modify
- tibialis posterior function
- Lisfranc joint
Tarsal Coalition
- Modify
- palpate
- medially (sustentacullum tali)
- dorsolaterally (through EDB)
Lateral Ligament Instability
- Anterior drawer
- Talar tilt