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Shoulder & Upper Arm History
- Age
- < 30
- instability
- very rare to have complete cuff tear
- > 45
- degenerative joint disease
- RC tears
- If cuff tear under 40 years old, then think
- instability
- manual labourer
- throwing / overhead athlete
- Adhesive capsulitis
- Occupation
- Handedness
Presenting Complaints
- Where
- Rotator Cuff
- anterolateral & superior
- deltoid insertion
- Bicipital tendonitis
- Radiation
- Type
- Severity
- Onset
- when did it start
- how did it start
- Duration
- Progression
- Nocte, rest, constant
- Aggravating / Relieving factors
- Position that ↑ symptoms
- RC: Window cleaning position
- Instability: when arm is overhead
- Neck pain
- Is shoulder pain related to neck pain
- If neck pain
- Then ask about radiculopathy
- Causes
- AC joint
- Cervical Spine
- Glenohumeral joint & rotator cuff
- Front & outer aspect of joint
- Radiates to middle of arm
- Rotator cuff impingement
- Positional : appears in the window cleaning position
- Instability
- Comes on suddenly when the arm is held high overhead
- Referred pain
- Mediastinal disorders, cardiac ischaemia
- Associated
- Stiffness
- Instability / Gives way
- Severe – feeling of joint dislocating
- Usually more subtle presenting with clicks/jerks
- What position
- Initial trauma
- How often
- Ligamentous laxity
- Clicking, Catching / grinding
- Weakness
- Pins & needles, numbness
- Loss of function
- Home
- Dressing
- Grooming
- Lift objects
- Difficulty working with arm above shoulder height
- Top shelves
- Hanging washing
- Work
- Sport
- Previous Treatment
- Nonoperative
- medications
- injections
- physiotherapy
- Past Medical History
- Previous trauma
- Previous surgery
- Family History