- NCS’s and EMG evaluate the function of the motor unit.
Specifics Disorders
Peripheral Entrapments
- First demyelination occurs
- marked NCV slowing
- CMAP may show dispersion or nerve block
- Axonal loss
- Loss of CMAP and CNAP amplitude
- fibrillation,
- PSW potentials,
- reduced recruitment,
- giant MUP’s if collateral reinnervation has occured
- Sensory NCS’s normal
- because the lesion is proximal to the dorsal root ganglion
- ie. No injury between the cell body and axon terminal.
- Motor NCS normal
- demyelination is proximal to the electrodes therefore will be normal.
- If bad enough for axonal injury, reduced CMAP’s will be seen in all segments supplied by the motor nerve.
- denervation changes
- Test paraspinal muscles too.
- +ve confirms radiculopathy.
- –ve EMG does not exclude radiculopathy,
- if sensory only or motor not axonal loss.
- Some muscels do not reveal denervation changes until 3 weeks.
Nerve Trauma
- After total nerve transection
- no motor or sensory response will occur across the injured segment nor any spontaneous MUPs.
- 1-3 days:
- Diminished nerve excitability,
- gradual reduction in CMAP
- CNAP distal to the region of injury.
- 4-5 days:
- Absence of CMAP and further reduced CNAP.
- 6-10 days:
- 8 days:
- PSW potentials
- 14 days:
- Fibrillation potentials.
- After severe injury but not severed, proportional reduction of CMAP and CNAP amplitudes occur and EMG reveals voluntary MUPs.
- When there is severe conduction block there may be no MUPs.
- If study is repeated in 6-8 weeks there may be a few small amplitude polyphasic MUPs indicating reinnervation.
- This study determines whether exploration indicated.
- NCS in 3 limbs to pick up demyelinating or axonal loss conditions.
- When looking at an isolated nerve entrapment at least 1 other nerve should be evaluated to ensure not an undetected polyneuropathy present.
- Ie. look for focal demyelination superimposed over a diffuse polyneuropathy.
About the Tests
Motor Unit and Action Potential
- A Motor unit Potential (MUP) is the action potential created by the voluntary contraction of muscle in the motor unit and recorded by needle EMG.
- An Action Potential is generated when a threshold level of depolarization occurs.
- The ability of an external stimulus to achieve threshold depends on the intensity and duration of the stimulus as well as the excitability of the cell.
- Injury or dysfunction of a nerve decreases nerve excitability – one of the first electrophysiological signs of nerve injury.
- Within 72 hrs of the injury nerve excitability in the distal segment of nerve is normal.
Propagation of the Action Potential and Nerve Conduction Velocity
- Once initiated the AP is self propagating.
- Speed is determnined by myelination and size of the fibres.
- In unmyelinated nerves the AP travels at 1 m/s
- In myelinated nerves (saltatory conduction) travesl at 3-80 m/s
- Segmental demyelination
- leads to significant slowing of NCV
- Axonal degeneration (ie myelin intact)
- NCV the same or no more than 40% slower.
- (Usually the large diameter fibres are slowed more than the small diameter fibres)
- Focal entrapment produces focal demyelination.
Neuromuscular Transmission
- Propagation of the AP leads to a Compound Nerve Action Potential (NAP)
- a summated potential of all nerve fibres stimulated by an electrical impulse.
- NAP of motor nerves leads to ACH release at synaptic cleft.
- Binding of ACH leads to an EPP (End Plate Potential).
- When these are summated to threshold a MAP (Muscle Action Potential) is generated.
- NM Transmission can be inhibited at multiple sites.
- Lambert-Eaton myasthenia syndrome
- insufficient release of ACH.
- Markedly abnormal incremental repetitive nerve stimulation test.
- Botulinum Toxoid
- Inhibits release of ACH
- Myasthenia gravis
- antibody binds to ACH receptor leading to Postsynaptic defect.
- Lambert-Eaton myasthenia syndrome
- Pre and Post synaptic deficiency distinguished by repetitive nerve stimulation.
- Low Hz (2-5) testing will show a decremental response.
- High Hz (10 – 50) will distinguish pre and post. (ie abnormal Pre)
- When a muscle fibre is denervated it becomes more sensitive to ACH over first 1-2 weeks.
- Seen as fibrillation potentials on EMG.
Muscle Contraction
- Voluntary activation of the motor neuron results in contraction of all muscle fibres innervated by that neuron.
- This is recorded on EMG as a MUP (Motor Unit Potential)
- Amplitude of MUP is proportional to the number of fibres that contract.
- Duration of MUP reveals the synchrony.
- This is recorded on EMG as a MUP (Motor Unit Potential)
- Used to distinguish denervation and myopathy.
- In chronic denervation
- the surviving neurones increase their territory and fiber density
- leading to high amplitude – long duration MUPs.
- Myopathy
- degeneration of the fibres lead to low amplitude – short duration MUPs.
- In chronic denervation
Nerve Conduction Studies
- Procedure
- A peripheral motor nerve is stimulated with a single supramaximal stimulus at each of at least 2 points along its course. A recording of the Resultant CMAP is taken from surface electrodes from a muscle innervated by that nerve.
- Latency
- time required from stimulation to production of the CMAP.
- Terminal latency
- the latency from the distal point of stimulation.
- Conduction time in the segment between the stimulating electrodes will be latency – terminal latency.
- conduction time/distance between stimulating electrodes.
- For a NCV to be diminished nearly all of the nerves fibres need to be affected.
- When both the stimulating electrodes are above the segment where the problem is, the NCV will be normal.
- Characteristic of this situation is Carpal Tunnel
- long terminal latency.
- However there is a long latency so NCV will be normal.
- Mild slowing can be seen in 11-35% of pts.
- NCV will be diminished if the distal electrode is distal to the conduction block.
- Amplitude, duration and shape of CMAP is analysed.
- CMAP amplitude
- is a measure of the number of fibres that are activated and the number of fibres that contract.
- Thus if CMAP is diminished it equates to severe axon loss.
- CMAP duration.
- Prolongation reveals marked slowing in some of the fibres which equates to demyelination.
Sensory Nerve
- Measure the CNAP (Compound Nerve Action Potential)
- Test performed orthodromically with 1 distal stimulator, 1 sensing electrode proximally.
- Sensory nerve conduction time equals the latency.
- Measure Amplitude and Duration of CNAP.
- CNAP Amplitude most affected by axonal loss. CNAP dispersion only seen with the near nerve needle technique.
Late Waves
- H-Reflex
- A monosynaptic reflex in S1 representing the Ankle Jerk reflex.
- Post tibial nerve is stimulated producing a reflex contraction of the calf muscles.
- Measures the latency of the monosynaptic reflex through afferent Ia fibres and the efferent alpha motor fibers of S1.
- With peripheral neuropathy this is absent or prolonged.
- F wave
- The F wave is an antidromic volley evoked by the supramaximal stimulation of the distal nerve during the NCS.
- The F-wave is considered to be a recurrent discharge of a few motor neurons in response to the antidromic volleys in the motor fibres.
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
- The F-wave has been used as a measure of the proximal motor fibres and a proximal nerve conduction abnormality as in neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome.
- Cervical radiculopathy
- The F-wave although not diagnostic is absent or prolonged in cervical radiculopathy.
Factors that Affect results
- Temperature:
- NCV increases linearly with temp
- Age:
- Newborns are 50% adult
- 1 year old 75%
- 4 years old 100%
- CMAP and CNAP amplitude decrease after 60
- Height:
- Slight slowing in tall individuals
- Distance:
- Accurate assessment of the distance travelled is probably the most common technical error.
Needle EMG
- Needle EMG has 3 components
- Observation at rest
- MUP on minimal voluntary contraction
- Recruitment pattern of MUP on maximal contraction
- At rest should be quiet
- Increased insertional activity = hyperexcitable muscle.
- Decreased activity = muscel fibrosis/fatty change/paralysis/myopathy
- Several abnormal spontaneous potentials can occur.
Fibrillation | Denervation or active myopathy |
Positive sharp waves | Denervation or active myopathy |
Fasciculations | Denervation or neurogenic |
Myokymic potential | Neurogenic |
Complex repetitive | Myopathies |
Myotonic discharges | Myopathies |
Motor Unit Potential (MUP)
- Represents only the summated activity of the muscle fibres in a motor unit that are near the needle electrode.
- Amplitude, Duration, Shape and Rate
- Amplitude:
- reflects summated activity of the fibres near the needle.
- Duration:
- Depends on the depolarization of many fibres away from and close to the needle.
- Fibrillation:
- Low amplitude bi or triphasic potentials
- PSW:
- Positive deflections followed by prolonged negative wave.
- Abnormalities
- Myopathy
- Small amplitude short duration MUP
- Denervation:
- Collateral sprouting leads to short high amplitude MUP
- Fibrillation and PSW’s present at 2-3 weeks after.
- PSW’s usually seen first.
- Fasiculation Potentials
- spontaneous discharges of a whole motor unit
- can be seen in
- normal muscle,
- ant horn cell disease,
- cervical spondylotic myelopathy,
- radiculopathy,
- demyelinating neuropathy
- Myopathy
- Amplitude:
- Rate and pattern of recruitment
- Denervation:
- Reduction in number of MUPs resulting in reduced ` interference pattern.
- Myopathy:
- Early recruitment(more MUPs than would be expected for the degree of muscle contraction)
- Denervation:
- So EMG can infer denervation and its chronicity.
- Active denervation
- Prominent fibrillations and PSWs are indicative of active denervation.
- Chronic denervation
- Long duration MUP’s indicate chronic denervation.
- Active denervation
Factors affecting EMG
- MUP is Higher and longer with a monopolar needle cf concentric one.
- MUP duration and amplitude increase with decreasing temp.
- Smaller muscles have shorter MUP duration than larger muscles
- MUP duration and amplitude increase with age.