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- Chronic granulomatous infection of skin & peripheral nerves
- Infection by Mycobacterium leprae
- Endemic in some tropical regions
- Commonest cause of peripheral neuropathy worldwide
- Acid-Fast bacilli (AFB)
- Carbol-Fuscin stain » Red
- Fastidious
- Unable to be grown on artificial media
Clinical Findings
- Insidious onset
- Involves
- Skin
- Superficial nerves
- Nose, pharynx & larynx
- Eyes
- Testicles
- Skin lesions are
- Pale anaesthetic macule 1-10cm ø
- Diffuse erythematous nodules 1-5cm ø
- Diffuse skin infiltration
- Neurological disturbances are
- Nerve infiltration & thickening
- Resultant
- Anaesthesia & parasthesiae
- Bone resorption
- Other
- Leonine (lion-like) Facies
- Two Forms Described
- Lepromatous Type
- Progressive malignant course
- Characterized by severely impaired cell-mediated immunity
- Late symmetrical poly-neuropathy
- Tuberculoid Type
- Non-progressive benign course
- Characterized by vigorous cell-mediated response
- Anaesthetic skin patches
- Thickened nerves
- Bacilli seen in scrapings from skin or nasal mucosa
- Culture negative
- » Involve infectious diseases physicians
- Sulphone & Rifampicin for ~ 2 years
- Prednisone for acute neurological function loss
- Deal with Charcot Joints