Orthopaedic Infections
Mycotic Infections
- Indolent granulomatous infecftions
- Abscesses, tissue destruction, ulceration
- Mostly from direct spread from adjacent tissues
- Divided into superficial & deep infections
- Superficial
- Enter through skin & spread contiguously
- Maduromycoses
- Sporothrix
- Candida
- Actinomycoses(not really a fungus but a bacteria that acts like a fungus)
- Deep
- Enter via lungs & spread via blood
- Blastomyces
- Histoplasma
- Coccidioides
- Cryptococcus
- Aspergillus
- Develop chronic granulomata in soft tissues(superficial) & bones or joints(deep)
- Superficial
- Antibiotics
- Surgery
- Wide excision of granulomata may be necessary to achieve a cure