Grading – Outerbridge, Collins, SFA

0Normal CartilageNormal CartilageNormal Cartilage
SNot applicableSoftening CartilageNot applicable
1Softening and swelling of cartilageDestruction of superficial cartilage, confined to areas of greatest press & movement – tangential flaking, early fibrillation, shallow pits or groovesSwelling and/or softening
2Fragmentation and fissuring in an area ½ inch or less in diameterMore extensive destruction of cartilage still confined to areas of pressure and movement but not denuding bone.  Deep fibrillation and significant loss of cartilage substanceSuperficial fibrillation
3Fragmentation and fissuring in an area ½ inch or more in diameterTotal loss of cartilage in one or more areas of pressure with exposure and usually, eburnation of bone. Widespread fibrillation and flaking of the remaining cartilage.  Areas of unaffected cartilage in those parts less exposed to pressure and movementDeep fibrillation down to bone
4Erosion of cartilage down to boneComplete loss of cartilage from large areas of the joint surface.  Eburnation of exposed boneExposure of subchondral bone
Grading of Osteoarthritis – Outerbridge, Collins, SFA