If it is removed intact it appears lobulated & sharply demarcated
Mixture of myxomatous zones, fibrous zones & zones with chondroid appearance.
There is a characteristic lobular pattern of growth, with a hypocellular appearance centrally & a hypercellular periphery.
At the edge of the periphery around 50% of tumours have scattered giant cells.
May be foci of cellular atypia.
most important differential diagnosis is of a myxoid chondrosarcoma.
These typically show liquefactive changes in the matrix, clear permeation of the surrounding bone, malignant XR features & most importantly hypercellularity throughout
En bloc resection is the best treatment
Curettage has around a 25% risk of recurrence, & bone grafting is often necessary.
Bone grafting may reduce the risk of recurrence.
Radiotherapy is not indicated except in the very rare surgically inaccessible region
Recurrence rate of around 25%
Sarcomatous change has not been convincingly demonstrated. It may occur after radiotherapy.