Posterior (Sacral) and anterior (ASIS) pelvic supports
Hips and Knees flexed to 30 degrees (gel pads to protect boney protrubances)
Prep & drape leg free
Greater trochanter
Shaft of femur
Vastus lateralis ridge
Flex the hip 30°
Incision has the GT at its mid point longitudinally
Extends 8cm parallel to the shaft of the femur along its anterior border
Proximally it extends in a posterior direction ending at the level of the ASIS
Internervous Plane
Intermuscular plane*
Tensor fascia lata – Split lateral to innervation
Superior gluteal nerve
Gluteus medius – Split distal to innervation
Superior gluteal nerve
*No true Internervous plane as muscles share common innervation
Superficial Dissection
Continue the incision through subcutaneous fat down to deep fascia
The gluteal fascia and illiotibial band are exposed using blunt dissection and dived along the whole length and in the same direction as the skin incision.
The tensor fascia lata is retracted anteriorly and the gluteus maximus posteriorly
Deep Dissection
Detaching the abductor mechanism – if needed
1. Trochanter Osteotomy
starting at Vastus Lateralis Ridge
Gigli saw
2. Detaching Gluteus Medius
Place a stay suture in the anterior portion of Gluteus Medius
Identify the small prominence that lies at the uppermost end of the ridge of the vastus lateralis.
Starting at this point and continuing to the APEX of the GT, the tendon of the Gluteus medius is incised using diathermy.
Leave a cuff to be re-attached at closing.
Extend the incision proximally between the fibres of gluteus medius.
Do not extend more than 3-5 cm above greater trochanter to prevent injury to superior gluteal nerve
Dissect off the Gluteus minimus tendon and the ligament of Bigelow
Adduct and externally rotate the thigh
Exposes Hip Joint Capsule
Incise the capsule radially around its circumference
Femoral nerve
Femoral artery & vein
Profunda femoris artery
Femoral shaft
Acetabular floor
HARDINGE K: The direct lateral approach to the hip. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 1982;64:17–19.