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- supine
- tournique
- prep & drape
- 10 cm curved longitudinal incision centred over the tip of the medial malleolus
Internervous Plane
- None
- Dissection straight down to bone
Superficial Dissection
- Mobilize the skin flaps
- Taking care not to damage the
- Long saphenous vein
- Saphenous nerve
Deep Dissection
- Osteotomy
- Identify the point at which the MM joins the shaft of tibia
- Small longitudinal incision in anterior part of joint capsule
- Divide the flexor retinculum
- Identify the tendon of tibialis posterior & retract it posterior to expose the posterior surface of malleolus
- Score longitudinally to ensure correct alignment of malleolous during closure
- Osteotome & oscillating saw
- Cut through medial malleolus obliquely from top to bottom
- Checking the position via the anterior arthotomy
- Retract medial malleolus with attached deltoid ligament downwards
- Forcibly evert the foot exposing the dome of talus & articulating joint surface of tibia
- Nerves
- Vessels
- Tendon of tibiallis posterior