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- Prone
- Mayfield head rest with bed in reverse
- Neck flexed to open up C1 – 2
- External occipital protuberance
- Spinous process of C2
- 7 cm Midline longitudinal incision
- Start: Occipital protuberance
Internervous Plane
- Paracervical muscles supplied by branches of left & right posterior primary rami
Superficial Dissection
- Incise fascia & ligamentum nuchae
- Cutting down onto the spinous process of C1 to C3
- Reflect paraspinal muscles with Cobb Elevator
- avoid lateral exposure beyond 1.5 cm on C1 ring to avoid vertebral artery & cervical ganglion
Deep Dissection
- separate ligamentum flavum (posterior atlantoaxial ligament) from bone off the inferior aspect of C1
- separate posterior atlanto-occipital membrane from bone off superior aspect of C1
- never retract spinal cord at this level
- Spinal cord
- greater occipital nerve (C2)
- runs beneath & over inferior oblique muscle laterally
- suboccipital nerve (C1 – motor only)
- runs within suboccipital triangle laterally
- 3rd occipital nerve (C3)
- lateral to suboccipital triangle
- vertebral artery
- passes from transverse foramen of atlas immediately behind atlanto-occipital joint & pierces lateral angle of posterior atlanto-occipital membrane