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- Exposure to
- Subtalar
- Calcaneocuboid joints
- Talonavicular
- Triple arthrodesis
- supine on operating table
- large sandbag under buttock to internally rotate the bag
- elevate & inflate tornique
- lateral malleolus
- lateral wall of calcaneus
- sinus tarsi
- just anterior to lateral malleolus
- curved incision
- Start:
- just distal to the distal end of lateral malleolus
- Continued over the lateral border of the foot & sinus tarsi
- End:
- curving medially & ending over the talonavicular joint
Internervous Plane
- Peroneus tertius
- Peroneal tendon
- Superficial peroneal nerve
Superficial Dissection
- Incise down to fascia without developing skin flaps
- Ligate any veins that cross the operative field
- Open the deep fascia in line with skin incision
- Taking care not to damage
- Tendons of
- Peroneus tertius
- Extensor digitorum longus
- Retract these tendons medially to gain access to the dorsum of the foot
Deep Dissection
- Reflect distally the fat pad overlying the sinus tarsi by sharp dissection leaving it attached to the skin flap
- Detach the origin of FDB which lies underneath to expose the capsule of TN & CC joints
- Perform capsulotomy to expose these joints
- Incise peroneal retinacula & reflect the tendons anteriorly
- Expose the capsule of the subtalar joint which I would incise