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- supine
- prep & drape leg free
- Vastus medialis
- Medial joint line
- Medial epicondyle
- Patella
- 15 cm longitudinal incision centred over anteromedial aspect of thigh over interval between rectus & vastus medialis
- extend incision medial to patella
Internervous Plane
- Vastus medialis
- Rectus femoris
Superficial Dissection
- Subcutaneous fat
- Incise the deep fascia in line with skin incision
- Identify & develop the plane between vastus medialis & rectus femoris
- Cutting along the edge of quadriceps tendon
- Leaving a cuff for later repair
Deep Dissection
- Extend my incision proximally & distally exposing the anterior aspect of distal femur
- Proximally
- Split vastus intermedius in line with its fibres
- Vessels
- Medial superior geniculate artery