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- excellent exposure of
- talocaneonavicular
- posterior talocalcaneal
- calcaneocuboid joints
- arthrodesis
- including triple arthrodesis
- supine
- sandbag
- exsanguination
- tourniquet
- lateral malleolus
- lateral wall of calcaneus
- sinus tarsi
- curved incision
- Start: just distal to distal end of lateral malleolus
- Over sinus tarsi, curving medially
- End: talocalcaneonavicular
Internervous Plane
- Peroneus tertius
- Peroneal tendons
- Superficial peroneal nerve
Superficial Dissection
- Do not mobilize skin flaps
- Ligate veins
- Open deep fascia in line with skin incision
- Beware
- Retract these muscles medially
Deep Dissection
- Detach fat pad from sinus tarsi
- Detach EDB from calcaneus
- Expose capsule of talocalcaneonavicular & calcaneocuboid joint
- Open these joints as necessary
- Incise peroneal retinacula
- Reflect peroneal tendons anteriorly
- Incise capsule of posterior talocalcaneal joint
- Proximally
- Curve long the posterior border of fibula
- Develop plane between peroneal muscles & flexor muscles