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- Drain only if pus is present (not just for cellulitis)
- Diagnosis of pus is difficult
- Can’t sleep at night because of pain
- Fluctuance
- Four cardinal signs of Kanavel (for flexor tenosynovitis)
- Pain with passive extension of affected finger
- Fusiform swelling over affected tendon
- Tenderness to palpation of affected tendon
- Affected finger held in slight flexion
- If in doubt, elevate arm with IV AB’s
- If improves, avoid surgery
- GA
- Tourniquet but no exsanguination
- Leave all wounds open after incision
- Immobilise hand in functional position
- Elevate arm postop
- Mobilise hand once inflammation subsides
- Extensive hand therapy/rehabilitation
- Paronychia (nail fold)
- Short longitudinal incision at one or both corners of nail fold
- Felon (pulp space)
- Direct lateral incision on lateral aspect of distal phalanx of finger
- Should be dorsal & distal to distal interphalangeal crease
- Should not extend beyond distal corner of nail
- Avoid ulnar aspect of thumb & radial aspect of index / long finger – may interfere with pinch
- Web space
- Pus points to dorsal aspect but incision must be made on volar aspect
- Curved transverse volar incision following contour of web space about 5mm proximal to it
- Tendon sheath infection
- 2cm transverse incision just proximal to distal palmar crease
- Midlateral incision over distal end of middle phalanx
- Proximally
- Blunt dissection through palmar aponeurosis
- Expose fibrous flexor sheath & A1 pulley
- Incise pulley longitudinally to expose pus
- Perform distal incision so that through-and-through irrigation can be perform
- Medial (ulnar) midpalmar space
- Transverse incision just proximal to distal palmar crease
- Length of incision determined by size of abscess
- Blunt dissection to avoid digital nerves & arteries
- Lateral (radial) Midpalmar space
- 4 cm incision on ulnar side of thenar crease
- Blunt dissection to avoid damage to common digital nerve
- Radial bursa
- 2 incisions
- Small longitudinal incision on lateral side of proximal phalanx of thumb just dorsal to interphalangeal crease
- Along thenar crease to distal crease
- Identify flexor sheath distally
- Incise it to drain pus
- Pass a probe directed proximally
- Feel for probe proximally & cut down onto it longitudinally
- Ulna bursa
- Short lateral incision on ulnar side of little finger
- Dorsal to distal interphalangeal crease
- Incise fibrous flexor sheath
- Drain pus
- Pass probe proximally
- Feel for it proximally
- Incise skin longitudinally over probe