- supine
- sandbag under spine & medial border of scapula
- beachchair to 30°
- Mayfield head rest
- Prep & drape arm free
- Clavicle
- Acromion
- Coracoid process
- Deltopectoral groove
1. Anterior incision
- Start: just above coracoid process
- 10-15 cm along line of deltopectoral groove
2. Axillary incision
- abduct shoulder 90° & ER
- start: midpoint of anterior axillary skin fold
- vertical incision 8-10 cm
- end: towards axilla
Internervous Plane
- deltoid: axillary nerve
- pectoralis major: medial & lateral pectoral nerves
Superficial Dissection
- identify deltopectoral groove
- cephalic vein laterally
- deltoid laterally
- pect major medially
Deep Dissection
- conjoint tendon: short head of biceps (MC nerve), coracobracialis (MC nerve) taken medially
- Dangers:
- Axillary artery lie behind pect minor
- Keep arm adducted during procedure to protect artery
- Musculocutaneous nerve
- On medial side of coracobracilis
- Axillary artery lie behind pect minor
- Deltopectoral fascia
- Subscapularis tendon
- ER arm to stretch subscapularis & makes it easier to define
- Also ↑ gap between subscapularis & axillary nerve (at its lower border, quadrangular space)
- Ligate triad of small vessels*2 veins 1 artery) at inferior border
- Superior border of SubS is indistinct & blends with supraspinatus
- Tag tendon
- Detach subscapularis off lesser tuberosity insertion
- Capsule
- Longitudinal incision
- Musculocutaneous nerve
- Enters CB 5-8 cm distal to coracoid process
- From medial side
- Cephalic vein