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- middle 2/3 of tibia when anterior approach not suitable due to skin
- Lateral
- Pad bony prominences
- Subcutaneous surface of fibula
- Fibula head
- Tibial shaft
- Straight longitudinal incision
- Over the shaft of the fibula
Internervous Plane
- Superficially
- Peroneus brevis
- Superficial peroneal nerve
- Extensor digitorum longus
- Deep
- Tibialis posterior
- Extensors of ankle & foot
Superficial Dissection
- deepen the incision
- taking care not to dam age the
- short saphenous vein in the posterior aspect of the wound
- incise fascia
- identify the underlying peroneal muscles
- develop a plane between peroneus brevis & EDL
- taking care not to damage the
- superficial peroneal nerve
Deep Dissection
- gently detach the extensor musculature from the anterior aspect of the interosseous membrane
- follow the anterior aspect of the membrance onto the lateral border of the tibia
- Nerves
- Superficial peroneal nerve
- Vessels