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- a benign disease of unknown aetiology characterised by
- back pain
- disc space narrowing
- resolution of symptoms with rest
- unknown
- ? Is it infective
- ? Is it non-infective
- Younger children
- Gradual onset of 2-4 weeks
- may be preceded by URTI etc
- Irritable, limping & refusual to sit or stand
- Abdominal pain
- Back pain
- Fever > 50%
- Look
- Decreased lumbar lordosis
- Feel
- Move
- Hip irratable in extension – psoas stretch
- Positive SLR
- Positive ↓ in popliteal angles secondary to hamstring spasm
- Paravertebral muscle spasm
- Bloods
- ESR usually up
- WCC usually normal
- Blood cultures
- +ve in ~ 50%
- after 6 weeks of onset of symptoms organisms do not appear to isolated from blood cultures
- due to rapid destruction of bacteria once the end plates are breached
- Xray
- early
- later
- disc narrowing
- progressive end plate lesions with erosion into the vertebral body
- latest
- fusion rare, usually very little residual disc narrowing
- Bonescan
- CT
- Rest
- until no pain or limitation of motion, & until ESR normal
- Antibiotics
- indicated if febrile
- +ve blood cultures
- +ve biopsy
- IV until patient comfortable, then oral for 3 more weeks
- good- spontaneous recovery is almost the rule