developing atlas has three ossification centers, one centrum(body) & two arches, the arches fuse posteriorly by 3 years of age & the synchondrosis between the arches & the centrum typically fuse by 7 years of age
axis has 5 ossificaiton centers – two in the odointoid – generally fused by birth, one centrum & two arches
Odontoid fuses with the centrum & likewise the arches with the centrum at 3-6 years of age , hence should not see a synchondrosis between the odointoid & centrum greater than 6 years of age
summit ossification center of the odontiod appears between 3-6 years & fuses by 12 years of age – persistance = ossiculum terminale
Lower cervical vertebrae form from 3 ossification centers, the posterior arch fuses at about 2-3 years & the central synchondrosis at 3-6 years
Vertebral body is wedged shaped until approximately 7 years old when it squares off
Of note the injury at the subaxial level will occur through the weaker provisional zone of calcification
Apophyseal rings appear by late childhood & disappear by 20’s