- Spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality
- Defined as objective signs of traumatic myelopathy in children who show no radiographic evidence of skeletal injury or subluxation
- Excludes birth, penetrating & electric shock
- Upper cervical SCIWORA in young kids, Lower SCIWORA is mixed between the child & adolescent age groups
- mechanism may be flexion, extension, distraction & ischemic
- Early SCIWORA – the acute diagnosis in 50% of cases
- Delayed SCIWORA – delayed onset after a latent period of 1-4 days
- Recurrent SCIWORA – in 15% of cases a second SCIWORA episode occurs at a period of 3days to 10 weeks
Physical Examination
- A complete physical examination is followed by classification of the neurologic injury
- Complete versus partial (central cord, anterior cord, Brown – Sequard )
- Grade as mild if able to walk & severe if ambulation is seriously impaired
- investigation includes plain films static, & dynamic
- CT scan if appropriate
- Also an MRI
- A steroid protocol should be instituted
- A hard collar or TLSO is offered
- There is little to offer other than supportive management